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SSO/SAML Configuration


This page describes how to configure SSO (Single Sign-On) and SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) for Ganymede, depending on your SAML provider.


Follow these instructions in Okta’s documentation to create a new Okta SAML application.

The following fields should be used in your application:

Single sign on URL

Hide this SAML application tile from users - there are instructions below that explain how to create an Okta tile of Ganymede.

Once complete, the following information from your Okta application should be provided to Ganymede:

Public CertificateMust start with "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", and end with "-----END CERTIFICATE-----".
Identity Provider Issuer (Entity ID){unique_key}
Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL (SSO URL)https://{org}{org}_ganymede_1/{unique_key}/sso/saml

On the right-side panel of the Okta application window, there is a link to SAML setup. The fields above can be found in that window, and should be shared with Ganymede.

Create Bookmark App

There is a known issue between Okta and Firebase, where the Okta tile will not redirect properly to the Ganymede site. After the SAML application above is configured and working properly, create a new Okta bookmark application that links to your Ganymede tenant.

The png below can be used as the image for the Ganymede tile:

Ganymede Logo


Follow these instructions in Google's documentation to create a new Google SAML application.

The following fields should be used in your application:


Once complete, the following information from your Google application should be provided to Ganymede:

  • Entity ID
  • Certificate


Follow these instructions in Microsoft's documentation to create a new Azure SAML application.

The following fields should be used in your application:

Identifier (Entity ID)
Reply URL (Assertion consumer service URL)
Sign on URL{client}

Once complete, the following information from your Azure AD SSO application should be provided to Ganymede:

  • Certificate (Base64) - This can be found within the SAML Signing Certificate section
  • Azure AD Identifier - This can be found within the Set up SSO Demo section
  • Login URL - This can be found within the Set up SSO Demo section


Please ensure the following service-provider (SP) metadata is uploaded to IdP:

Identifier (Entity ID)
ACS (Assertion Consumer Service) URL

Also, please ensure the following metadata format:

Name IDurn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress

The XML for the SP metadata can be found here.

Once complete, the following information should be provided to Ganymede, either directly or through a shared metadata XML page:

  • Entity ID - this should be the URL of the metadata XML page if available
  • SSO URL - this should correspond to HTTP-Redirect location metadata
  • Certificate